Time flies as we have spent almost 2 weeks in OSU,and everyday we experienced a lot,from the campus to a zoo,outlets to Cincinnati...What impressed me most is that the amount of chances your have mainly decides how you succeed in many things.
Each time we have a task or a opportunity to talk with people,some choose to be brave and announce opinions,but others are unwilling to open their mouth.Both kinds of people make their own choice and it’s not responsible to judge what is right.However,having been in the U.S such a long time,we should what we need to do.
As we all knows,communication is a irreplaceable method to achieve goals in the modern society.Therefore,given wonderful opportunities in the country,try to speak out what you want and what you need.If not,what’s the difference between China and the U.S regardless of better facilities and something outside?
We always complain about education in China for unfair chances,less freedom of speak,no communication between teachers and student.In the case,why not be passionate to seize the chance?To make you more competitive and multiskilled,please abolish traditional way in China even just a few days during where we visit and appreciate.

Most of us have dreams,however we may can’t find a opportunity to achieve it.When it comes to the U.S,I am wandering what it is that give the country more success.Luckily,I at least know one aspect of the answer:the have more experience,which results in more opportunity they can get.
So,go on our journey and seek for more experience and more opportunities.probably,it can’t help you as soon as you get it.But be patient,it’s certainly your precious all the time.
Deletesister ting!后生可畏!