Hello Wuhan students,
My name is Hans Li and would like to welcome you all to the great city of Columbus, Ohio and also welcome you to the Ohio State University. I have been with the Wuhan to Ohio program since its inception in 2008 and have been at OSU since 2006, so if you have any questions regarding the summer program or OSU, I am more than happy to answer them. I am excited to meet each and everyone of you, and I hope you are excited to meet me as well.

Just a little background on me, I was born at the Ohio State University Medical Center, so I am an ABC (American Born Chinese). I do speak mandarin (somewhat fluently) but during program events I will restrict myself to English. It is currently my 7th year at OSU and am an undergraduate student majoring in Aviation Engineering. I work a part-time job as a server at an American restaurant called Bob Evans.
Outside of work and school, I really enjoy hip hop culture; the clothes, the music, the dance moves. I love hip hop dance so much that I decided to teach my self. This picture is of me at a talent show. I also have a lot of hats, 54 in total; if you wish to see some of them, let me know and I will show you pictures or bring them in.
Feel free to ask meany questions you have! I will always do my best to answer them for you.
oh my gosh so many hats. Maybe you shall take a picture of them and shows us some time...