Friday, July 19, 2013

Lunch Time Thinking

At lunch today, I heard the real story from Derek, I’m surprised by the real feeling of American people on “9.11”. Frankly speaking, at that time, I was not deeply moved by the events happened in far-away America and I didn’t figure out what the people in America are suffering with. Now I understood that the reason why so many people were deeply influenced both in physical and psychological aspects by the tragedy in US. It is not the damage of the building and the terrible large number of death; in fact, it was the challenge of confidence and trust from the deepest thinking of lives. You know, everyday people living here enjoy the beautiful sun-shine and the happy lives. The terrorist attacks crashed people’s believing and confidence about the peace and happiness, it is just like something happened and then suddenly all the things you totally believed before had been crashed down and you might be confused about the futures and worried about the uncertain possibilities.  Therefore, the negative influence of “9.11” is much more than I thought before; I learnt from it that we don’t know what will happen next, there are uncertain in the future, but what we could do is that enjoying the wonderful days from now on, every day and every minutes. 

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